The Power of Vision Workshop:
3 Keys All Healthcare and Fitness Professionals
Must Know to Achieve Optimal Work-Life Balance
WHEN: Thursday, March 21st @ 12pm PST
WHERE: Online via Zoom
Does this sound like you?
You are driven.
You take initiative.
You are passionate.
You are highly self-motivated.
You are a refined problem-solver.
You are an accomplished professional.
Yet, you crave something more..
You are in the right place
You are more powerful
than you know.
The number one obstacle you face as a skillful professional is that your work ethic, compassion, and drive are far greater than that of anyone around you. You operate at a level at which others cannot even see how much of your potential you are holding back.
I am a leader in transformation, and I specialize in taking skillful professionals from around the world to the highest levels of success and deep fulfillment. And here’s what I recognize in you:
Despite your accomplishments—rather, because of them—putting in more effort towards what you are already doing will not take you to your next level of success.
In fact, the very accomplishments and skills you have developed are precisely what is restraining you from reaching even greater levels of success.
Through my work, I have identified eight qualities of skillful professionals that drive them towards success but also impede them from achieving more—at the same time.
Your gifts, in fact, become your obstacles:
Your commitment to making an impact in the world can cause you to never reach true fulfillment and meaning in your life. Your ideas are so big that you can get overwhelmed and struggle to find balance in the different areas of your life. In today’s world, when there are endless options available to you, the paradox of choice can hold you back from finding balance and taking action toward your goals.
2. You Have Strong Values.
Your commitment to your goals is rooted in your values. When you are not creating results that align with your goal, it indicates that there is a more substantial, competing commitment to which you are unknowingly committed to instead.
3. You Are a Refined Problem-Solver.
You are highly efficient at identifying and solving problems under pressure. The energy and clarity you experience while solving problems under pressure causes you to have a tendency to avoid things—relationships, financial management, health, etc.—until they reach problem-level status. You also struggle to focus on longer-term tasks.
4. You Are a Risk Taker.
Taking risks has been imperative to advance in your profession. The risks you take are motivated by your deep commitments and values. As your risks cause you to progress further in your career and personal development, you may notice that the people you once surrounded yourself with don’t inspire you to get outside your comfort zone.
You have excellent communication skills and can empathize with others more than the average person. Your ability to interact, collaborate, and empathize with others can inherently draw you towards and keep you in your comfort zone. The people you surround yourself with significantly influence your behaviors, attitudes, and results. This is threatening to you because there is a strong temptation to continually underperform in the collective domains of your life without even realizing that you’re doing it.
6. You Strive For Perfection.
The more accomplishments you have in your life, the greater the pressure is to keep expanding your scope of knowledge and achievements. The pull towards procrastination gets painfully intense with each subsequent goal because each time you achieve a goal, your drive is reset to achieve an even more challenging goal.
7. You Don’t Need Help.
Realistically, you don’t. Your life inspires your friends and family. You have worked hard for what you have and are proud of your achievements. You certainly don’t need support. Being the highest achiever in your circle means you have fewer people that can support and inspire you to reach your next level of success.
8. You Miss Out On Reaching Your True Potential.
Skillful professionals often have few people willing to say precisely what they need to hear the most to reach deep fulfillment and next-level success in the areas of life that matter the most—health, career, relationships, finances, and time management. They never get to tap into and experience their true potential and the real impact they can make in the world.

If this sounds like you, join me in The Power of Vision Workshop, where Anamari unpacks the proven system to transform your obstacles into the fuel required to achieve your next level of success.

Give Yourself Permission To..
Take charge of your life and get in tune with what it is you truly desire. You have the capacity within you to be the architect of your own life and begin living by design rather than default. This is your time; stop putting your life on hold or letting circumstances dictate your future. Stop using the excuse of not having enough time to prevent you from living a life you would truly love.
Would you like me to give you a formula for designing a deeply fulfilling life? It’s pretty simple, really. Through transformational coaching, I will teach you the methods and give you the tools so you can indeed have both a career and a personal life that not only lights a fire within you but drives your ambition and creativity to new heights.

Here’s what you’ll learn during the event:
- Two essential keys for tuning into your purpose.
- You will be creating a clear blueprint of what you truly want in your career, relationships, health, finances, and time management.
- A 5-point test for determining whether your vision is right for you.
- The NUMBER ONE factor that causes people to lose steam after entering the healthcare and fitness field and how to stay motivated and override it.
- Simple thinking-strategies that will maximize your energy and vitality.
- The 1 critical thing you must give up to achieve optimal work-life balance.
- And much more!

About Anamari Perez
Anamari Perez is the founder and CEO of Insight Wellness Community, LLC. Anamari is the founder and CEO of Insight Wellness Community, LLC. Anamari is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, certified transformational life coach, speaker, and author. Additionally, Anamari has a license in massage therapy and certifications in personal training, nutrition coaching, and teaching mindfulness.
Anamari is a leader in transformation and empowerment. She works with entrepreneurs, health care and fitness professionals, rehabilitation centers, medical clinics, holistic centers, volunteer groups, veteran organizations, and nonprofits. Anamari is passionate about working with individuals and organizations to support them in reaching higher levels of achievement and fulfillment in their business and personal life while creating sustainable work-life balance.
Anamari has 10 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. Her thirst for knowledge and attention to detail, and appreciation of evidenced-based research propelled her into further studies and involvement in mentorship programs. She has dedicated her life to understanding rehabilitation, exercise science, nutrition, behavior change, success, and transformation principles. Her mission is to help individuals and groups build their businesses and achieve success without sacrifice so they can live deeply meaningful, empowered, and prosperous lives. With her proven and tested step-by-step success system, Anamari will serve you in gaining clarity in your purpose, becoming a more effective leader, and achieving lasting results in the areas of your life that matter the most — health, personal relationships, time management, vocation, finances, and personal development.

Register for the
Power of Vision Workshop
Registration is now CLOSED
But I would love to offer a special gift for you still!
On occassion I carve out time during my speaking and coaching schedule to offer a few free discovery sessions. This powerful session will help us get clear on exactly what you want in any area of your life, what is holding you back, and what actions you can take towards a life you love living.
I have a limited number of appointments available and they often fill up quickly, so please click the button below before they are all taken.

Antoinette Pizzutelli
Seattle, WA

Haley Gray
Jacksonville, Florida

Alysha Pitterson
Fort Worth, Texas

Daisy Estrada
Mableton, Georgia