Transformational Life Coaching
Receive powerful coaching from the comfort of your home. From anywhere in the world.
Coaching Programs
DreamBuilder® is a foundational 90-day, 16-lesson program where you learn a deliberate process to live a purposeful and deeply fulfilling life. Through this program, you will be coached by Anamari and design a written blueprint of a life you would love living in four domains: health, relationships, vocation, and time and money freedom. With DreamBuilder®, you will learn how to reorient your thinking to explore possibilities – and set your sights on what you really want. Additionally, you will learn the source and meaning of fear and how to take action despite its presence, how to navigate through failure and setbacks, how to change your perception to create sustainable habits in your life, and much more! With DreamBuilder®, you will receive weekly live meetings with Anamari, a complete workbook to deepen your study, audio lessons, and guided meditations.

Life Mastery
Life Mastery™ is a one-of-a-kind 6-month program based on 50 years of intensive research into the art and science of personal success – what makes successful people successful in all areas of their life. In the Life Mastery™ Program, you will learn to establish a higher level of effectiveness and fulfillment in each of the 6 pillars of Life Mastery™, including: Intention, Health, Abundance, Manifestation, Love, and Transformation. Each area of mastery is equal to one month in the program. Life Mastery™ offers a comprehensive consultant-guided curriculum to assist you in developing the personal empowerment required for creating positive, profound, and permanent change in any area of life, including: wealth creation, improved health and vitality, weight release, improved personal relationships, business growth, or any goal YOU CHOOSE. Life Mastery™ includes weekly live meetings with Anamari, a complete workbook to deepen your study, audio lessons, and guided meditations.

Working with the Law
In this 12-week program, you will work with Anamari and study the principles outlined in “Working with the Law” by Raymond Holliwell, a renowned teacher and critical thinker. This program has been tested and proven over the past 30 years to help thousands worldwide see tremendous transformation in their lives. In Working with the Law, you will learn and study: The Laws of Thinking, Supply, Attraction, Vibration, Receiving, Increase, Obedience, Compensation, Non-Resistance, Forgiveness, Sacrifice, and Success. As a result of the inspiring and in-depth training you’ll receive inside this highly acclaimed program, you’ll have the power to uplevel your health, relationships, financial abundance, and all other areas of your life… so that you can create your dream life now. Working with the Law includes weekly live meetings with Anamari, a complete workbook to deepen your study and audio lessons.

Into Your Genius
Into Your Genius is a 12-week program designed to help you break free from current circumstances and unlock the hidden power within you to generate new results. During this course, you will discover and explore how to unlock the six powerful mental faculties: Imagination, Intuition, Will, Memory, Reason, and Perception. You will receive six audio lessons, a complete workbook to deepen your study and weekly live meetings with Anamari. This course offers a very structured and careful process that will bring extraordinary results when followed! You will learn key points and principles and follow them with specific action steps. If you find yourself repeating the same patterns over and over again, procrastinating on doing things that are important to you, or you have difficulty making decisions, then this program is for you!

Standing Firm When Your World is Shaking
The Standing Firm Program is a proven path for surmounting seemingly impossible setbacks, challenges, or failures. Some of the most difficult times in our lives can leave us with feelings of despair, hopelessness, and even deep sadness and hurt. Standing Firm is a 4-week program designed to provide you with all the tools you need to travel through the rough terrains that life offers and help you remain firm when the world around you is shaking. Over the next four weeks, we’ll be exploring the technology of how you navigate through those times in your lives when it may feel like the light is not shining on us, a time that is sometimes referred to as “The Dark Night.” We will discover that the Dark Night will birth the next larger version of you. Standing Firm includes weekly live meetings with Anamari, worksheets to deepen your study and audio lessons.

Not Sure Which Program
Is Right For You?
Each month I carve out time during my clinical caseload, speaking, and coaching schedule to offer a few complimentary consultations. This session will help you get clear on what you want, what’s holding you back, and your best next step. I have a limited number of consultations available. They often book quickly; if you’re interested in coaching and want to schedule a complimentary consultation call, please click the button below or email me at:
I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Antoinette Pizzutelli
Seattle, WA

Haley Gray
Jacksonville, Florida

Alysha Pitterson
Fort Worth, Texas

Daisy Estrada
Mableton, Georgia